
Become a Member and Save

Flux Membership $99 Monthly Unlimited Yoga

This membership is billed monthly for 12 months from date of purchase.

Enroll Now

Non transferable. Non refundable.

Drop In

Indoor, Outdoor & Online

*$20 Student Rate
Use checkout code STUDENT-DROPIN
(Student ID required to redeem)

New Student 3 Pack

Try 3 Classes at a Deeply Discounted Rate

*30 Day Expiry

New Student
1 Month Unlimited

Try Flux Yoga at a Deeply Discounted Rate

1 Week Unlimited $55

A Week of Unlimited Classes for Existing Clients

1 Month Unlimited $160

A Month of Unlimited Classes for Existing Clients

3 Pack

Pack of 3 Classes at a Discounted Rate

*2 Month Expiry

5 Pack

Pack of 5 Classes at a Discounted Rate

*3 Month Expiry

10 Classes

Pack of 10 Classes

*$140 Student Rate
Use checkout code STUDENT10
(Student ID required to redeem)
*6 Month Expiry

1 Year Unlimited $1,600

A Year of Flux Billed Annually

Flux On Demand

A Month of On Demand Yoga Video Classes

Register with Mindbody
To access On Demand Videos

Guidelines and Regulations

All 5 class and 10 class packages expire 6 months after the date of purchase. All classes 60/75 min are the same price. No refunds, no extensions and no transfers on all packages. Any packages that expire will NOT be extended unless a doctors note is presented.