
Kelly is amazing. Super immersive and extremely supportive training - would 100% recommend!


A very hands-on and motivating program! I felt supported and encouraged throughout the course. I highly recommend Kelly Santucci as an instructor and mentor!


Going into the training I had no self confidence when it came to doing yoga . Kelly was always there telling me and reassuring me how well I was doing. She is a wonderful mentor and a beautiful yoga teacher. She has compassion and love for each one of her students . I hope that I will be as graceful and beautiful in my practice as she is everyday.


My instructor, Kelly Santucci, is a life changer. She is warm hearted, brilliant, down to earth and the most amazing instructor I could not have asked for anything more. She showed me how to be strong, brave, and find my inner yogi.


There is nothing that could have been done to make this training a better, richer, fuller experience. Kelly's direction and instruction was steeped in experience, knowledge, care, support, compassion, and love for yoga and her students. The added workshops and specialty trainings from experienced educators rounded out the experience and made it truly special and complete. I would happily and wholeheartedly recommend this training experience to anyone.


My experience far surpassed my expectations! Kelly Santucci is an incredible teacher. She truly cares about her trainees and wants nothing more than to see us succeed. I have left my training feeling empowered and confident! I love teaching. This studio has literally changed my life.


Kelly gave us multiple opportunities to practice teaching, which really helped build confidence and allowed us to apply what we had learned about asana, alignment and effective and safe sequencing.


Teacher Training (YTT 200) was a more than wonderful experience and I loved every minute of it. Kelly Santucci was my instructor and I can say that she is professional, fun and extremely knowledgeable. Kelly teaches with such a passion and genuine, natural wisdom for the yoga practice that the classes are truly more of an inner exploration coupled with yoga teachings, than straight up "school". I would definitely recommend this program to friends interested in the RYT 200 program. I feel as though I have made a life-long friend and mentor in Kelly, and that my graduating classmates are my friends for life as well. :) Thanks for a great experience!


I loved everything about Kelly’s training program. It was well planned, informative and most of all it was FUN! I learned a lot from Kelly and what I liked about the training program were the special guests’ speakers. I’m so happy I made the decision to train with Kelly Santucci because I truly feel well prepared to teach yoga anywhere my heart desires. :)


I strongly recommend this 200-hour yoga teacher training program. The course is structured to incorporate philosophy, anatomy and actual teaching. Kelly encourages each trainee to express their own unique strength. I cannot express how truly grateful I am for this experience! Kelly Santucci has given me the confidence and courage to continue my growth and practice. Whether you are looking to become a yoga teacher or are interested in growing as an individual, this training program is the place to be!